Glute Bridge

A simple and effective exercise to activate and strengthen your glutes. This exercise also helps stretch out your hip flexors which get short and tight when confined to a chair all day. Lie on your back, knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the floor. Continue until they are fully extended… your butt cheeks should be squeezed tightly together! Pause in this position and actively squeeze your glutes, pull your arms down through the floor and imagine pulling your heels towards you. By following these 3 cues you should feel all the muscles down the back of your body light up. Hold for a few seconds (or longer) before lowering your hips almost to the ground and repeating.

One of the simplest and best ways to make the regular glute bridge harder is to loop a short resistance band around your lower thighs, adopt a wider stance with your feet and resist the inward pull of the band as you follow all the same cues of the regular glute bridge. The addition of the band will help light up all the muscles in your hips from multiple angles and significantly increases the intensity of this exercise!